Nepal APF School established in the year 2062 BS(AD 2006) is a non profit making organization. It is encircled with greenery occupying 110 ropani of land. It is a school run by Armed Police Force Nepal under the contribution of Armed Police Force Welfare Fund. It is fully an English medium residential school imparting quality education to the wards of APF personnel as well as the civilians. School offers classes from Grade IV to Grade XII. It is also a home for the children and staff with family environment within themselves.

Vision & Mission
- To be recognized as a premier institution for higher education, having achieved excellence through innovative quality instruction a culture of continuous improvement and learned- centered decision marking
- To promote highly skilled manpower and advance the knowledge of self sustainable development.
- To facilitate quality teaching methods which will be emulated by others.
- To be understood as an institution which makes a significant difference in the community and the nation.
- Dedicated to provide an accessible high quality education to enrich their community and the lives of individual learners.
- Engage students in learning experiences that leads to enhance employability and successful transfer to other educational institutions.
- Develop students who can think critically, communicate effectively and demonstrate global awareness.
- Partner with communities; serve to support economic vitality and stability through the development of a skilled local workforce.
- Provide the educational resources and student services that promote, support and enhance students success.
Admission Process
he School takes new enrollment every year in Grade IV and XI. The admissions open in Falgun for Grade IV and Ashad for Grade XI. The candidates have to successfully undergo the Written Test, Interview and Medical Examination before admission. The School enrolls 60% of the students from the families of APF personnel (both serving and former) and 40% from the civilians’ families in admitting students in Grade IV and XI.
Admission Process
- Provided to those students who rank first in the class (IV to X)
- APFWA Scholarship- Nrs- 10,000 for the highest scorer of junior and senior wing.
- Provides awards to the students of APF staff in SEE (At least five as)
- Provides scholarship in fees equal to the SSI Rank to the two students (IV to X) of Kirtipur Municipality ( Ward no. 7 & 8 only)
- Provides certificate and awards for the first, second and third ranking students of the class.
- 30% off on annual fee to two students each securing highest marks in entrance examination in science and management (Grade XI)
- 25% off on tuition fee to the best students in SEE from Nepal APF School.
- 10% off on tuition fee during admission to grade XI (First ten-five in each faculty) students in Science and Management.